Difference between line and staff organisation pdf

For line organization line managers are generalists. This article will help you to differentiate between line and staff in an organisation. Though an effort is made to distinguish between the two, yet that distinction is more. Line and staff organization is a modification of line organization and it is more complex than line organization. This is the most fundamental authority in an organization. Line and staff management has two separate hierarchies. However, the basic line of demarcation between line and staff officers in an organization. Yet the lineandstaff relationships of the members of an organization must necessarily affect the operation of the enterprise.

Perhaps the most important and obvious difference between line and staff is purpose. While the former is exercised in a personal capacity, the latter is used in a professional capacity. The chart shows relationships between staff in the organization which can be. Staff means something to lean on, and this is precisely the function of the. What is the different between line and staff authority. Officers can take sound advice difference between line. If the pattern of authority relationship between line and staff executives is not clearly indicated, there may be considerable confusion throughout the organisation.

Line authority is the type of authority that reflects superiorsubordinate relationships. According to koontz and others 1984, authority in an organization is the power in a position. In line with this, their difference might not be easily identified by the. Welingkars distance learning division line organisation o line. Under this type, the organisational structure is basically that of the line organisation, but staff, officers of functional experts are engaged to advise the line officers in the performance of their duties. Organization is the process of dividing up of the activities. The nature of various types of authority is discussed below. In this type of organization, authority flows from top to bottom. The line executives are generalists and staff executives are specialists and they work together with. Line and staff aspects of human resources management and. Advantages and disadvantages of line and staff style of organizations omolaja muhammad 7 abstract in the paper we discussed the fact that the dichotomous concepts of modern organizations exist in reality. In this cohort of emergency staff, the fundamental difference between a laryngectomy and a tracheostomy was poorly understood. Every organization and company needs certain line and staff functions.

Though an effort is made to distinguish between the two, yet that distinction is more of degree rather than that of kind. Differentiating line and staff functions is straightforward in that it involves identifying the beneficiaries of the activity, product, or service. Efficiency ilona bartuseviciene mykolo romerio universitetas, lithuania. But the way they achieve this is what differentiates these two from each other. Differencedistinctionsdistinguish between line, functional. I dont know the book youre referring to, so im just going to give you an answer from experience. What is line organisation, functional organisation, line. Jul 01, 2017 many of us think that these two terms are one and the same thing, but there exists a fine line of difference between power and authority. At each level, individual manager has to carry out different roles and functions. To ensure that line and staff personnel do work together productively, management must make sure both groups understand the organizational mission, have specific objectives, and realize that they are partners in helping the. Line and staff is often a complex topic so in this video we have tried to explain that. Human resource management mgt501 vu line and staff aspects. Line and staff functions the functions depend on the organisation size the smaller organisations allows managers and supervisors.

Line authority is generally considered as the formal legitimate authority created by the organisational hierarchy. In line and staff organization, the hierarchy remains same as in the line organization, but specialists are attached to the front line managers to. For a frequently cited legal definition, in the tafthartley act of 1947 the proper name of this legislation is the labormanagement relations act of 1947 a supervisor is any individual having the authority to hire, transfer, suspend, recall, or. There has been a lot of confusion, misconception over the use of the terms hrm and pm. Pdf the present study is conducted to overcome the defects and to take advantage of the merits of both line organisation and functional organisation. According to koontz and others 1984, authority in an organization is the pow.

Line and staff functions indicate the pattern of distribution of authority in an organization. Present day organisations make considerable use of line, staff and functional authorities. A staff function supports the organization with specialized advisory and support functions. On the other hand, staff divisions indirectly contribute to the business and usually perform support functions or staff functions. According to this administrative organization, specialized and supportive activities are attached to the line of command by appointing staff supervisors and staff specialists who are attached to the line authority. I read a book regarding this, the more i read about it the more i see the conflict and confusion between project manger and line manger. Every organisation exists to achieve specific goals. Difference between line authority and staff authority compare the. It is a type of organisation in which there are two sets of officers for administration. A linestaff organizational structure attempts to render a large and complex enterprise more flexible without sacrificing managerial authority. Line and staff authority management guru management guru. So, on this topic, we are going to throw light on the basic differences between the two, have a look. This gives a wide scope to the line executive to bring.

Lineandstaff organizations examples, advantages, manager. The departments or employees in the line divisions perform the core activities and contribute to its business directly. Difference between line organization and functional. Relief to line of executivesin a line and staff organization, the advice and counseling which is provided to the line executives divides the work between the two. A line function is one that directly advances an organization in its core work. What is the difference between line, staff and functional types of authority. Because of the inherent drawbacks of line organisation and functional organisation, they are rarely used in pure forms. Differences between line and staff in an organisation. Nov 01, 20 line and staff line and staff are distinguished by their authority relationships and not what they do e. The aim of both the staff function and the line function is to ensure that the organization meets its business objectives. Different between line and staff organisation are given below. However, conflict may arise between line and staff authority. Both line and staff personnel have a long list of complaints against each other.

Line authority gives a superior a line of authority over a subordinate. Types of organization types of departmentalization centralization and decentralization organization is a system of cooperative activities of two or more persons. Line and staff personnel must work together closely to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. The board of directors are the representatives of the shareholders, i. Line and staff relationship in organization with example diagram. Tweet tabulated below comparison between line, functional and line and staff organization. Line organization can be understood as a vertical organization, wherein the superior can give orders to. Welingkars distance learning division line and staff organisation o the authority flows from top level to the lower level of the organisation through the line officers while the staff officers attached to the various departments advise the departments. Line organization can be understood as a vertical organization, wherein the superior can give orders to a subordinate, through a direct chain of command. Difference between power and authority with comparison. Especially when it comes to project driven organization, what is the purpose of line manager. May 11, 2018 this video explains the different forms of organisation structure in great detail. Line organization structure reference notes grade 12.

According to pinprayong and siengthai 2012 there is a difference between business. All the three types can be found in almost every organisation. Line and staff organization management study guide. The need was, therefore, for a system that will ensure a proper balance between the two. The need has been fulfilled by line and staff organisation. Line employees are usually older and have more experience than staff employees, who are typically younger and better educated with college degrees. The line of authority is vertical as it follows the principle of scalar chain there is strict discipline it is not based upon planned specialization there is unity of command it is suitable for small scale. A line staff organizational structure attempts to render a large and complex enterprise more flexible without sacrificing managerial authority. Authority within a lineandstaff organization can be diff erentiated.

One widely held view of line and staff is that line functions are those that have a direct impact on the accomplishment of the objectives of the enterprise. The key difference between line authority and staff authority is that line authority reflects superiorsubordinate relationships characterized by the power of decision making whereas staff authority refers to the right to advice on improving the effectiveness for line employees in performing their duties. Advantages and disadvantages of line and staff style of organizations omolaja muhammad 7. This video explains the different forms of organisation structure in great detail. Line and staff aspects of hrm after studying this chapter, students should be able to understand the following concepts. Mar 21, 2015 welingkars distance learning division line and staff organisation o the line officers have authority to take decisions and implement them to achieve the objectives of the organisation. In line and staff organization structure, there is high chance of conflict between line and staff authorities due to misunderstanding. A more precise and logically valid concept of line and staff is that they are simply a matter of relationships. Generally, there are three levels of management, viz. However, it is the rare to find a pure functional organisation and there is always an element of line organisation mixed with it. Introduction most of the organisational structures are general they are made up of individuals, groups, departments and divisions reflecting and zooming in the previous unit about organisation structure we might find that certain functions are performed as.

Dec 18, 2008 staff personnel can often avert line staff conflicts if they strive to emphasize the objectives of the organization as a whole, encourage and educate line personnel in the appropriate use of staff personnel, obtain any necessary skills they do not already possess, and deal intelligently with the resistance to change rather than view it as an. Staff refers to those elements of the organization that help the line to work most effectively in accomplishing the primary objectives of an enterprise. Because staff roles are not usually customerfacing, they are often regarded as nonstrategic. What are the differences between line managers, staff. It exists in all organizations as an uninterrupted scale or series of steps. Essay on the difference between line and staff organisation.

Conflict arises when a conflict between line and staff arises. Advantages benefits of research and development through the advice of specialized staff, the line executives, the line executives get time to execute plans by taking productive decisions which are helpful for a concern. Line and staff organisation is a combination of line organisation and functional organisation. The line executive can concentrate on the execution of plans and they get. The chief executive officer is also called general manager gm or managing director md or president. A disadvantage of a lineandstaff organization is conflict between line and. This always includes production and sales, and sometimes also marketing. Everything you need to know about the difference between personnel management and human resource management. Linestaff organization, in management, approach in which authorities e. Breaking down how management works is a bit tricky as a lot of terminology and some definitions are somewhat contrive. After reading this article you will learn about the line and staff functions in an organization. The present study is conducted to overcome the defects and to take advantage of the merits of both line organisation and functional organisation, line and staff organisation has been evolved.

The major source of line and staff conflict is the difference in their viewpoints and perception. Difference between personnel management and human resource management with analysis the term human resources at the macro level spells out the total sum of all the components possessed by all the people, whereas the term personnel even at the macro level is limited to all the employees of an organisation. Jun 02, 2017 key difference line authority vs staff authority the key difference between line authority and staff authority is that line authority reflects superiorsubordinate relationships characterized by the power of decision making whereas staff authority refers to the right to advice on improving the effectiveness for line employees in performing their duties. What is the difference between line department and saff department. Line and staff aspects lesson overview after reading this chapter student should know the basic concept of authority, different types of the authority and difference between the line and staff hangers.

Line and staff functions the functions depend on the organisation size the smaller organisations allows managers and supervisors can fulfil both the staff and line functions whilst this is not the case in larger organisation. Disadvantages of line and staff organization business. Nowadays almost all business concerns usually follow some sort of functional plan to carry out the primary functions of business. This lack of awareness of frontline emergency staff needs to be addressed in order to maximise patient safety. A militarytype organizational structure, commonly employed in large, centralized corporations. Difference between line authority and staff authority. Conflict between line and staff in an organisation essay. In a line organization, top management has complete control, and the chain of. Sep 24, 2018 the aim of both the staff function and the line function is to ensure that the organization meets its business objectives. Difference between power and authority with comparison chart. Officers can take sound advice difference between line and staff officers will. The system like line organisation also owes its birth to army. Line managers direct the work of subordinates and make important decisions, while staff managers advise those with line authority. Get an answer for what are the advantages of line and staff in an organization.

Line staff organization, in management, approach in which authorities e. Hello josh, my question is regarding the relationship between project manager and line manager. Moreover, line managers are directly accountable for sales and production target achievement, whereas staff managers extend support to help them achieve their goals. In line with this, their difference might not be easily. Line and staff line functions are those which have direct responsibility for accomplishing the objectives of the enterprise. Nov 21, 2018 conflict between line and staff workers is common. What is the difference between line and staff divisions in.

They work in functions such as finance, it, legal and human resources to help line managers accomplish their administrative responsibilities. While line authority relies on command, line and staff authority is based on command and advise. The line organisation concentrates too much on control whereas the functional system divides the control too much. Dec 23, 2018 line and staff is often a complex topic so in this video we have tried to explain that. Staff and line are names given to different types of functions in organizations. The top level management consists of the board of directors bod and the chief executive officer ceo. What is the difference between line and staff authority. Concepts and f0rmats when two or more people work together to achieve a group result, it is an organization. Line and staff agencies are essential for the executive head of an organization to enable him to properly perform his duties. Because staff roles are not usually customerfacing, they are often regarded as nonstrategic, and the expense of staff jobs is treated as overhead. The paper is concern mainly with line and staff organization in organization development. What is the difference between line, staff department. What is line organisation, functional organisation, line and staff organisation, matrix organisational structure. Line workers may believe that staff workers are meddlesome, arrogant and do not have enough field experience in the key functions of the company.

Staff managers and line managers are distinguished on the basis of their role. We are focused on line and staff style of organizations because they are closely knitted. Difference between line and staff difference between a line and staff functions difference between line and staff position line and staff functions of managers white house staff functions organizational chart line and staff organization. Advantages and disadvantages of line and staff style of. The pr dept is purely staff but within the dept there will be line and staff relationships 8. What is the difference between a line function and a staff. Difference between personnel management and human resource. Line and staff relationship in organization with example. Yet the line and staff relationships of the members of an organization must necessarily affect the operation of the enterprise. Authority within a lineandstaff organization can be differentiated.

Advantages of line and staff organisation, disadvantages of. After the objectives of an organization are established, the functions that must be performed are determined. Apr 06, 2017 the key difference between line organization and functional organization is that line organization operates with a structure where direct lines of authority flows from top management and the lines of responsibility flows in the opposite direction whereas functional organization is where the company is divided into smaller groups based on. Line direct relationship between superior and subordinate. Although most firms have a human resource department with its own manager, all other managers tend to get involved in activities like recruiting. Many of us think that these two terms are one and the same thing, but there exists a fine line of difference between power and authority. A staff that is not utilized effectively because of a managers fai lure to delegate is a major loss. One widely held view of line and staff is that line functions are those that have a direct impact on the accomplishment of the objectives of the. What are the differences between line and staff functions. Line and staff organization structure by alvin james.

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